Funky Dance Music Video

I’m excited to share a project that I have been working on for a while now with my friends Mr. Superdude and Kinderchartin!

I created the video to go with their awesome song inspired by the funky dance moves that kids come up with:) I was happy to work on this fun project from concept to finish and I hope it brings some funky dance moves in to your life!


As you may be able to tell I’m a little bit excited about this…

My 28 page Comic Book contains 2, 8-page comics that I completed during the course of my 1 year Comics and Graphics Novel Course in 2019/2020 as well as the first 1 page comic I made in that class and a 6 page comic that I made during/after the course that ended a little abruptly..for a Kraken Comics Anthology that never got published because of a PANDEMIC. 

I’m very pleased to finally be able to share these stories as I worked extremely hard on them and they are special to me.

I will be presenting my book at the Camosun Comic Arts Festival

on APRIL 20 3-7 pm!

If you can’t make it but you still want to buy a comic book send me a message>



Travel Art

I’ve been out on an adventure for the last few months. I met many people and drew many sketches and saw many funny and awful and  wonderful sights. Here is a selection of some things from my sketchbooks over the last few months. For a more detailed look you can look at my instagram as it’s the only thing I really kept up while I was away.

Woven Webs & Felt Friends

Urbanite at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria was a huge sucess! Every one was really involved in the collaborative weaving activity and it was so fun to see the art pieces grow and change over the night as different people added their contributions. It was also interesting to see how the three pieces that began so tidy ended up becoming more and more free and experimental as people lost their inhibitions over the evening- At one point, someone even came running over to weave in a wine glass! Knotty by Nature owners, Stephanie and Ryan were also in attendance, enjoying the party and meeting many newly inspired fiber enthusiasts.

For some hilarious boomerang videos from the evening, check out #aggvurbanite on instagram. I have posted some action shots from the evening and you can also see a kiss that will last for eternity. Now that is romance!

After spending all evening with the beautiful felt and yarn I was inspired to pull out my own stash of roving and wool when I got home. I really enjoyed creating these little felted friends while relaxing on my couch the next evening. Needle felting is so fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Maybe soon I will post a short tutorial here so you can try it too. Here are the little fuzzy friends that I made, in the morning light.  They will be heading off to new homes soon as I am getting started on my holiday gifts.




I like when it rains sometimes. Especially when I am in a bit of a mood. It’s also a good opportunity to wear bright colours. I do love red rubber boots and umbrellas in the rain. Here are so…

Source: Rain




InkTober is my favorite drawing challenge. Artists all over the world celebrate ink and drawing which are two of my favorite things. Also,  it happens in the fall which is my favorite time of year. Here is one of my sketches from this month so far. I was in Cathedral Grove on my way to Tofino with some friends  a few days ago. I’ve been traveling about a bit- Vancouver, Victoria and Tofino in the last week,  so I have had lots of new people and places to draw. Yesterday,  I walked through the most beautiful forest to a beach where I did some inked drawings and ran around chasing crows while my friend played the ukulele. I love this island. To keep up with the rest of my inkings, you can see check my Sketch Book or follow on instagram.